Well, the title have stated everything, I had managed to successfully completed my forth mystic run, and moreover, caught my Chess Master mouse!
The mystic side of the Zugzwang's tower is harder than the technic side, with the points of the technic queen almost similar to that of a mystic rook. Usually, people are able to complete the technic run very quickly, as it is not very tough. However, once a hunter tries to tackle the mystic side, he/she must be prepared to fail much, much more times that when conquering the techinc side. Normally, a hunter would left 40% to 50% of amplifier left before catching the Mystic King. However, I was lucky enough to have 60% after I caught my Mystic King. This encouraged me to move on with attempting to catch the Chess Master.
Having fourteen Checkmate cheese on hand, I was quite confident in getting a Chess Master Mouse. However, after my cheese was stolen several times by technic knights, I began to feel a little less confident about my potential catch. Who knows? At 9.30pm, when I checked my trap, I realised I caught a Chess Master Mouse! This was the second major achievement in two weeks. A week ago, I celebrated after catching my first Silth Mouse, unlocking my chance to get the Sandtail Call to Arms (the Baron map piece). Shortly after, I can now begin crafting my spellbook base!
I hope my luck would not run out so soon, as I would still need them to catch my last Technic and Mystic Kings.
This was my Chess Master Mouse.
9:30 pm - Zugzwang's Tower

I caught a 5 oz. Chess Master worth 119,600 points and 19,000 gold.